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Why Foot Care Is Important for Diabetics

Diabetes is a condition where your blood sugar levels become elevated, either because your pancreas doesn’t produce enough of the hormone insulin to break sugar down (type 1), or your body becomes resistant to insulin’s effects (type 2).

At Monroe Foot & Ankle Care in Jamesburg, New Jersey, podiatric physician and board-certified foot surgeon Dr. Elliott Perel and his team understand the link between diabetes and foot problems, which is why they offer advanced diabetic foot care. It both restores your mobility and reduces your risk of serious complications from the disease. Keep reading to learn what you can do to take proper care of your feet.

The diabetes-foot disease connection

Left untreated, diabetes can lead to a number of other health conditions, including poor circulation, neuropathy (impaired nerve function characterized by burning, tingling, numbness, and pain), and a weakened immune system. 

In addition, your feet become more susceptible to injury because poor circulation leads to reduced sensation. You may not realize you stubbed your toe, got a cut, have an ingrown toenail, or have a sore developing before it becomes ulcerated and infected.

Foot wounds have now become the most common diabetes-related cause of hospitalization, and they’re often a precursor to amputation. Diabetics have a 30-times higher lifetime risk of having a lower extremity amputated than those without diabetes. Diabetics also run at least a 10-fold greater risk of being hospitalized for soft tissue and bone infections of their feet than people without diabetes, and infected foot wounds precede about two-thirds of lower-extremity amputations.

Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot problems

Here at Monroe Foot & Ankle Care, we take a comprehensive approach to diagnosing your diabetes-related foot problems. Dr. Perel reviews your medical history and your symptoms, examines your feet and toes, and performs comprehensive neurologic and vascular evaluations.

He might also prescribe blood tests, X-rays or other imaging tests, and/or nerve conduction tests to diagnose the specific cause of the foot issues you’re having.

Depending on the results of his evaluation, Dr. Perel might recommend:

DIY proper foot care

There are many things you can do to prevent foot problems from happening before they become a problem.

At Monroe Foot & Ankle Care, we’re committed to your foot health. If you’re diabetic and need help managing your foot care, give our office a call at 732-328-6798, or schedule your consultation online with Dr. Perel today.

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